Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Dear Anakin: Happy Big 4...again~


Dear Anakin Baby,

How did you grow up so fast???!

I’m backing up the photos and putting them online and I just cannot believe how you went from this tiny baby to a little four-year-old in a blink of the eye!!

I’m watching your videos of you learning to roll over on March 4th at a bit over 3M, sitting up straight on May 9th at a bit over 5M, start crawling backwards a few days later on May 12th, then pushed up on all fours a couple of weeks later on May 31st at 6M!  Your progression went so fast!!

2010.04.11 - You just learned to roll over.  At the Easter picnic, Aaron tried to kiss you...or take a bite out of you...

 2010.05.09 - You are sitting up so straight and stably now.  In a video, you were trying to bring your body forward to reach for the toy in front of you.

2010.05.29 -  After trying to crawl forward but end up going backward from May 12 on, you finally pushed up on all four!

2010.07.10 - You continued to be mistaken as a girl because of your very long and curly eyelashes... and perhaps the very deep cleavages...

Then you started actively crawling by July 1st at a bit over 7M, pushed and pulled yourself to standing by July 30th at 8M, started climbing the stairs on Sept 30th at a 10M.  Next thing we know, you are walking free-handed by October 8th at 10M2W!!

After that, you were just all over the places.

You started talking fairly late, at a bit over 2Y.  But once you started talking, you talked in complete sentences instead of baby babbles.  We used to play a game when you first started talking.  I would say “Anakin is mommy’s baby,” to which you would reply “mommy is Anakin’s baby.” When I say “mommy loves Anakin very much,” you would reply “Anakin loves mommy very much.”  And we would go on and on and on.  You enjoyed this game tremendously and I was amazed at how clear your logic was at about 2Y6M.

You have been such a dedicated and focused little fellow who has been so intense at your learning.  When you learning to button and unbutton, you would be on it for hours un-end.  This trait has been continuing even to now, at 4Y.  I pray that you will continue to focus on your learning like this, not just academically, but on anything that you set your passion upon.

2010.07.30 - Cruising along, at Yukid Island

2010.10.29 - Walking all over, also at Yukid Island

For your 1yo birthday, we celebrated it at Yukid Island with a bunch of your little friends.

For your 2yo birthday, we celebrated at Energy Bear where you used to take gymnastics classes, also with a bunch of your little friends.

For your 3yo birthday, we celebrated with your classmates at Kang-Ling Preschool.  Mommy hired a Monkey King to come and do magic tricks for you.  Your cake was also the Monkey King.  

You had a black spiderman cake for your 4yo birthday in Tainan with both side of the grandparents, mommy, babi, and 哥哥. 
2013.11.23, at Babi Grandma's

 You started going to Kang-Ling Preschool at about 3Y6M for 幼幼班。You really enjoyed your time there with 香香老師,Yoyo 老師,and Candy 老師。Unfortunately, the school was shut down by the board the summer you finished 幼幼班.  We also happened to move to Danshui at the same time so you started a new school.  Even though you always say you had fun in school when I ask you, you don’t seem to be enjoying this new school as much as KL.  And I’m constantly debating if I should continue to send you there or just let you quit school and hang with me.  Aaron also quit school after one year in 幼幼班 for a year, then resume in 中班。I have been contemplating if you should do the same.  The concerns are that a) you seem to enjoy learning much more so than Aaron did at that age, and b) mommy’s teaching career is more flourished now than back then.  However, if you really reject in going as strongly as Aaron did back then, I would give up my teaching career for you…but you don’t.  Maybe I will continue to let you go to school, but make our once-a-week date constant because you seem to enjoy and anticipate it.

My baby, I am having time to write this catch up note because you are back in Tainan with Ian.  This is your 5th night away from mommy and I wonder how you are fairing.  You cried the first night and again on the morning of the 3rd day, but it does sound like you are enjoying your stay.  This is your second time away from me!  Last time, you were also away for a full week!!  You are so much more independent than Aaron is at your age.  However, when you are with me, you are still sticky as ever~

My baby, I miss you.  I am so not ready for you to grow up~~~  =)

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